A small taste of the Cyrillic alphabet

Preeti Schatzman
July 21, 2020

At first the long street names and crazy letters are quite daunting, but then you start noticing words like ресторан resemble the word restaurant when you realize that the p is actually an r sound. кафе is also obviously cafe, with the phi type letter is an f sound. Can anyone guess what this word means бар...now you've learned the most important words when traveling in Russia: restaurant, cafe and bar ;)

All kidding aside, the following phrases have really been helpful:
  • да (da) - yes
  • нет (nyet) - no
  • туалет (toalet) - toilet
  • пожалуйста (pazhalsta) - please
  • проверка пожалуйста (shyot pazhalsta) - check please
  • спасибо (spaseeba) - thank you
  • привет (zdrastvoot-ye) - hello
  • до свидания (da sveedanya) - goodbye
cyrillic mcdonalds
cyrillic starbucks
cyrillic subway

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